A few days ago, I decided to mess around with an old busted hard drive and magically recovered a large number of ancient files I assumed were long gone. Among these files were backups of the original Exuberant Calliope site. Thomas has suggest that I post an old Book of the Dead comic strip each day, and had the audacity to demand that I begin with the first one. This is unfortunate, because they don't start getting good until a bit later.
The originals are
huge, so I've decided to start anew and rebuild them from component parts. It took me a couple of extremely frustrating days to get the original characters all vectorized and pretty-ish, hence the delay. Image editing software and I don't get along. I feel lame saying that (especially considering the nature of the strip), but there you are.
Thomas may hate me for it, but I also edited the text a bit because I wasn't happy with the original. I assure you, however, that if I ever alter the text, I will do so with the intention of keeping the spirit of each strip intact. As I said before, Book of the Dead doesn't gain momentum until later on in the series. I think that this is partially due to the fact that in the beginning the fact that Egyptian gods were saying silly things was, I thought, enough to carry it. Your mileage may vary.
For you purists (Thomas), I will include the original comic along with the newer version. Oh my god, it's almost 4:00AM.
May your favorite deity have mercy on your soul.